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Media Inquiry Request
January 2015
Less boom, but no bust in 2015, say classic car experts http://blog.classiccars.com/less-boom-no-bust-2015-say-classic-car-experts/
by Larry Edsall
Pebble Beach Concours d'elegance INSIDER
August 2013
At the Heart of the Hobby
by Winston Goodfellow
Yahoo Autos
June 2011
The King of Classics
by Marco R. Della Cava
Article PDF
January 2009
A Case for Classics in China http://www.velocetoday.com/a-case-for-classics-in-china/
by Pete
December 2009
Shanghai Confers Blackhawk Collection's Don Williams With Prestigious Magnolia Award
Article PDF
Addictam Opera (Japan)
August 2008
2008 Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance
December 2008
Red Flag Added to The Blackhawk Collection http://www.velocetoday.com/red-flag-added-to-the-blackhawk-collection/
by Pete
HWY 111
February 2004
Studying The Classics
by Mark Christensen
Article PDF
Article Text
San Francisco Chronicle
August 2004
Beauty, poise - engines
by Michael Taylor
Cars & Parts
January 2002
Pebble Beach - Blackhawk's 10th Annual Exposition
by West Peterson
Collector Car Market Guide
March 2002
Hershey Auction
by Phil Skinner
The Monterey County Herald - Classic Car
August 2001
Concours Mecca
by Mary Barker
Old Cars Weekly
November 2001
First Hershey Sale a success
by Ron Kowalke
Cars & Parts
January 2000
Las Vegas Sale nets $1.7 million Part 1
by Bob Stevens
Cars & Parts
February 2000
The Auction' mixes classics and muscle
by Bob Stevens
Renault avec
April 2000
B.m. "Hoy prisklasse"
by Ivar Engerud
Old Cars Weekly
October 2000
Don Williams & Richie Clyne at Hershey
Cars & Parts
January 1999
Blackhawk Expo Sweetens Hershey
by Bob Stevens
Cars & Parts
January 1999
The Auction '98 - the Great Classic sale at "No Reserve" posts sales of $8.4 million
by Walt Reed
Los Angeles Times
July 1999
The California Collection
by Paul Dean
Cars & Parts
August 1999
Las Vegas hosts the Auction '99
by Phil Skinner
Automobile Magazine
September 1999
Finders of Keepers
by Phil Llewellin
Article PDF
Article Text
Cars & Parts
January 1998
The Blackhawk Collection
by Bob Stevens
Cars & Parts
February 1998
Blackhawk's Hershey Expo
by Bob Stevens
Cars & Parts
March 1998
Celebrity Cars at Imperial Palace
by Bob Stevens
Cars & Parts
June 1998
The Auction - a 'sure thing' even in Vegas
by Bob Stevens
France Soir
July 1998
La Grande Parade
by Marie Gellert
Cars & Parts
August 1998
Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance
by Wes Tennyson
Cars & Parts
August 1998
Rocket Power in the Jet Age
by Phil Skinner
The Monterey County Herald
August 1998
Classic cars hit the road - Blackhawk Exposition
by Mary Barker
The Monterey County Herald - Classic Car
August 1998
Showroom for collectors - Blackhawk Collection
Le Figaro (France)
August 1998
Defile de Stars - Becentenaire de Mulhouse
by Daniel Schmitt
la Vie de L'Auto Actualites
September 1998
Grande Parade A Mulhouse
by Jean-Pierre Hossann
Cars & Parts
January 1997
Hershey '96
by Bob Stevens
Cars & Parts
January 1997
Hershey Expo
by Bob Stevens
Lifestyles International (Dubai)
January 1997
Celebrating Automotive History
Cars & Parts
July 1997
The Town Car - 1937 Duesenberg SJ Bohman & Schwartz Town Car
by Phil Skinner
Cars & Parts
August 1997
Plymouth Belmont V-8 Roadster
by Phil Skinner
Cars & Parts
August 1997
Blackhawk goes three-for-three
The Monterey County Herald
August 1997
Blackhawk Exposition travels with the unique
The Monterey County Herald - Classic Car
August 1997
Blackhawk Exposition is special Concours feature
Old Cars Weekly
August 1997
Pebble Beach show car tips from the Blackhawk Collection
Cars & Parts
September 1997
A German Eagle That Soared High
by Phil Skinner
Chicago Tribune
September 1997
Splendor in the grass
by Gary Dretzka
Cars & Parts
November 1997
The Incomparable Blackhawk Collection
by Bob Stevens
la vie de d'AUTO
February 1996
Si les exuberantes voitures de la Blackhawk
Victory Lane
April 1996
Blackhawk Collection at Retromobile
Thoroughbred & Classic Cars (UK)
April 1996
21st Retromobile
by Carol Spagg
Auto d'Epoca (Italy)
April 1996
Retromobile 1996 - Tutta da Vistare
by Massimo Condolo
San Ramon Valley Times
May 1996
Classic car buffs get more than cash returns for their hobby
by Mara Der Hovanesian
San Ramon Valley Times
May 1996
Classic cars put them in a different class
by Mara Der Hovanesian
The Ellerman Report
June 1996
Blackhawk Announces Chrysler as Sponsor
Danville Magazine
June 1996
Exposition Cars Slated For Pebble Beach
by Paula T. Fernbach
San Francisco Chronicle
July 1996
King of Collectible Cars
by Sandra Ann Harris
Article Text
Automotive Investor
August 1996
Blackhawk Expo Puts Up $40 Million Sales Tent in Pebble Beach
by George Gilliland
San Ramon Valley Times
August 1996
Annual Blackhawk Collection sale is not your typical lot.
by Bob Hagin
Ferrari Market Letter
August 1996
Monterey 1996 - Blackhawk Collection Exposition
Car Collector
September 1996
The Exposition
by Jeff Broadus
Automotive Investor
October 1996
Blackhawk Expo - The Six-Figure Buck Stops Here
Old Cars Weekly
November 1996
BlackhawkCollection hits exposition road
by Phil Skinner
Road & Track
December 1996
Paul Jaray kept them cool - 1937 Adler Trumpf Le Mans Coupe
by Dennis Simanaitis
Automotor AM Magazine (Italy)
January 1995
Blackhawk, un autosalon speciale
by Harry Newton
January 1995
Living in the Past - Retromobile
by Griff Borgeson
Car Collector Magazine
January 1995
1954 Oldsmobile F-88
by Dennis Adler
Old Cars Weekly
February 1995
Americans in Paris
by Dave Selby
Autos Magazine International
February 1995
Up close with…Don Williams
Car & Driver (Japan)
February 1995
Don Williams - Bugatti Royale Berline de Voyage
by Ray Lee
Car Collector
February 1995
Bargain Days in Vegas
by Dennis Adler
Old Cars Weekly
February 1995
Don Williams - a lifetime of elite collector cars
by Phil Skinner
Article Text
Classic and Sportscar
March 1995
What's in store at Retromobile
Classic and Sportscar
April 1995
Retromobile - c'est magnifique
Car Graphic (Japan)
April 1995
Retromobile 95
by Shototaro Kobayashi
April 1995
Where Great Cars Go
Automobile Magazine
July 1995
Grand Touring
by Phil Llewellin
Robb Report
July 1995
The Fabulous Era of French Curves
by Dennis Adler
American Way
August 1995
Heavenly Bodies
by Terry Gallanoy
Departures - American Express Platinum
January 1994
Wheeler Dealers
by David Downie
Article PDF
Article Text
Old Cars Weekly
January 1994
Williams rejoins Barrett-Jackson Auction
Investors Business Daily
January 1994
Leaders & Success - Car Collector Don Williams
by Paul A. Eisenstein
Old Cars Weekly
January 1994
Barrett-Jackson brings in new year in Scottsdale
by James T. Lenzke
AUTO Focus (Sweden)
January 1994
Circus Maximus
by Von Derno S. Kane
Automotive Investor
January 1994
The Year in Our View - Don Williams
by Dennis Adler
The Washington Times
January 1994
Williams sells collector cars, often unseen by buyers
by Paul A. Eisenstein
Road & Track
February 1994
Collectible Cars: Affordable once again?
by Peter Bohr
Car & Driver
February 1994
The Behring Museum
by Steven L. Thompson
February 1994
Wheels of Fortune
by Aimee Grove
Hemispheres - United Airlines
February 1994
The Classic Car Market
by Paul A. Eisenstein
Article PDF
Article Text
Auto d'Epoca (Italy)
June 1994
1924 Hispano Suiza H6C
Concours d'Elegance
August 1994
Don Williams: He's one passionate collector of cars
by Susan Cantrall
Robb Report
September 1994
Club 21 - An Exclusive Robb Report Listing of Influencial People in Luxury Business
by Janice Stillman
British Car
October 1994
Bentley Blue Train at Blackhawk Expo
by Dave Destler
Copley News Service
October 1994
Vintage cars appealing to many
by Brian Lee Gardner
Robb Report
December 1994
Ultimate Gift Guide
Departures - American Express Platinum
December 1994
Moneyed Interests
by Jeff Book
The Baltimore Sun
January 1993
For fine cars, value rolls on
by Ted Shelsby
MGM Grand Air
January 1993
Blackhawk Collection
by Scott R. Miller
Robb Report
January 1993
Car Collecting's Power Players
by Peter Frey
Article PDF
Article Text
Collector Car Insider
February 1993
The Auction - Las Vegas sale moves 60% of cars
by Randy Moser
Auto d'Epoca (Italy)
March 1993
Blackhawk Collection
LOTS - International Authority on Rare and Valuable Cars
March 1993
Don Williams, Auctioneer & Dealer
by Parker Converse
Import Car
April 1993
Keeping pace with evolving restoration market values
by Jeff Lock
San Ramon Valley Times
April 1993
Classic cars wheel into Blackhawk
by Ann Wozencraft
English Car Market Letter
May 1993
Is The Market Back
by Keith Martin
Alfa Romeo Market Letter
May 1993
Going BATTY In Danville
by Keith Martin
Tri Valley Herald
May 1993
Place Your Bids on a Shiny beauuuty
by Angela Hill
USA Today
May 1993
New era joins auctioneers of classic, exotic cars
by James R. Healey
Old Cars Weekly
June 1993
Working worldwide to consumate connection bewteen collectors and classic automobiles
Los Angeles Times
July 1993
Exhibitors Revving Up for Newport Classic Car sale
by John O'Dell
Automobile Magazine
August 1993
Magnificent Obsession
by Mark N. Schirmer
Car & Driver Hong Kong
August 1993
Bugatti Royale
by Kenneth Lueng
Newport Beach 714
August 1993
World Class Auction
by Ann Koehler
World Classic at Monterey & Pebble Beach
August 1993
Greatest Automotive Weekend of Them All
Car Collector
September 1993
The Blackhawk Collection
by Dennis Adler
du Pont Registry
January 1992
Blackhawk's "The Auction"
Car Collecting & Investing
January 1992
High Hopes For Second Tokyo Auction
Auction World
January 1992
Many feel collector car market is finished sprialing down
by Karla Zellmer
The Tower Report
January 1992
A Conversation with Don Williams
Automobil Revue (Switzerland)
February 1992
World Vintage Auction in Tokyo
Auto Report
February 1992
1939 Mercedes-Benz G4 Offener Tourenwagen
Autos International (France)
February 1992
Uncle Donald
by Jacques Potherat
Old Cars Weekly
February 1992
Blackhawk Classics Tokyo Auction
Car Collector & Car Classic Magazine
March 1992
Second World Vintage Auction & Exposition
Old Cars Weekly
March 1992
Rare Collector cars headline second Tokyo auction
Old Cars Weekly
March 1992
Glasnost and perestroika come to the collector car business
du Pont Registry
March 1992
Event Alert - World Vintage Car Auction & Expo
Auto d'Epoca (Italy)
April 1992
Retromobile 1992 - Parigi e sempre Parigi
Collector Car News
April 1992
Blackhawk Collection's Donald Williams Analyzes Evolving Trends in the 1992 Classic and Collector Car Market
Classic and Sportscar
June 1992
Dealer Spotlight - Blackhawk
Article Text
Beverly Hills Today
July 1992
12th Annual Beverly Hills Car Show
Collector Car News
August 1992
Leendary "7th" Bugatti Travels to United States for the First Time
Collector Car News
August 1992
"Mona Lisa" of Classic Cars - the Bugatti Royale Berline de Voyage
du Pont Registry
August 1992
Don Williams & Richie Clyne Pick Up Some Prize cars From Tom Monaghan
by William Gillette
Robb Report
August 1992
Blackhawk's Million Dollar Man
by Peter Frey
Article PDF
Article Text
Blackhawk Plaza Currents
August 1992
An Investment in Automotive Art
Automotive Investor
August 1992
Following the Money Movement in the last 18 Months
Contra Costa Times
August 1992
Inconspicuous Consumption
by Joe Garofoli
Automotive Investor
September 1992
Pebble Beach Weekend - World Classic Exposition
by Dennis Adler
September 1992
Moveable Feast
by Matt DeLorenzo
du Pont Registry
October 1992
Don Williams, Blackhawk Classic Auto Collection
by William Gillette
Las Vegas Sun
October 1992
$15 million in cars to be auctioned here
Fresno Bee
November 1992
Classic cars returning from Japan
by Terry Jackson
November 1992
The $16 million Ferrari and other popular delusions
by Christie Brown
November 1992
"The Auction' Recent Las Vegas sale shows a change in attitude
by Rick Carey
Car Collecting & Investing
December 1992
The Auction Claims $12.3 Million in Combined Sales
Auto Express
December 1992
Visit the $40m travelling show
by Dave Selby
The Tower Report
February 1991
Price Pow-wow at Tokyo Auction
by Grant P. Kenney & Jonathan Tower
Auto Passion (France)
March 1991
1929 Cadillac 16-Cylinder Hartmann
by Jean Paul Caron
Old Cars Weekly
March 1991
Blackhawk Collection has joined Mitsibushi Corp., JAVIC of Japan to form Tokyo Auction
Auto Market Journal
April 1991
Exposition Sales
Automotive Investor
May 1991
Landmark Tokyo Auction
by Keith Martin
May 1991
Land of the Rising Bids
by Peter Nunn
USA Today
August 1991
These vintage vehicles are 'moving art'
by Marco R. della Cava
San Ramon Valley Times
August 1991
The car dealer sells compacts for $1 million
by H. Glenn Rosenkrantz
Las Vegas Sun
October 1991
Auction to offer 340 dream cars
by Ed Dodrill
International Classic and Sportscar
May 1990
Shipped over from the Blackhawk Collection in America are six very special machines
Classic and Sportscar
May 1990
NEC Show - Ultimate!
Classic and Sportscar
May 1990
Paris Retromobile as stylish as ever
by John Pressnell
Collector Car News
April 1989
Rare Bugatti Royale goes on Vegas Block
Las Vegas Sun
April 1988
$1 million antique star of The Auction
Las Vegas Sun
April 1988
Ritzy cars on parade
by John L. Smith
Car Collector News
June 1988
Records fall at las Vegas car auction
by Bill Fennefrock
The Herald
September 1988
Wheeling and dealing in vintage automobiles
by John Boudreau
Old Cars Weekly
February 1987
"The Auction" Major No-Reserve Sale in Las Vegas
Collector Car
May 1987
The Auction Las Vegas
by Bill Fennefrock & Bill Randall
May 1987
Former Harrah cars sold at auction
Old Cars Weekly
May 1987
The Auction Hotter Than Vegas Slots
Car Collector
September 1987
Las Vegas Produces A New Game - "The Auction"
by Bill Snyder
Monterey Bay
Don Williams & Rick Cole - A World-Class Partnership
by Richard Pitnick
Auto In Vogue
Frank Lloyd Wright's Lincoln
Automobile Magazine
Behring Museum
by Phil Llewellin
article search
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